ESG Management
Efforts to Achieve Sustainable Development
All of our business operations are conducted with “realization of sustainable development” in mind. This is because we believe that what is required for companies in the future is the creation of common value with all stakeholders involved in our business, which leads to true sustainable growth.
To achieve these goals, ESG management is based on the elements of the environment (Environment), society (Social), and governance (governance), and the SDGs, which have more specific goals in each area, are incorporated into the decision-making process in each area.

SDGs × Terra Motors
Becoming a Company Required by Society
In our business areas and countries where we do business, there is a strong need for business activities that take the above contents into consideration. Through business growth, Terra Motors will contribute to the achievement of 10 out of 17 development goals of the SDGs, and together with all of its stakeholders will aim for the realization of better society.

Environmental Issue
At present, environmental issues such as air pollution are becoming more serious worldwide year by year, and it is necessary to take immediate measures to improve them. In Asia also, air pollution caused by traffic jams due to rapid urbanization and abnormal weather (Floods and heat waves) resulting from global warming have become major social problems.
People died due to
air pollution in the world
4.2 million / year
Over 90% of Indian live in air-polluted environments that are above WHO global standards
Terra Motors' Effort to Improve
Terra Motors provides a fundamental solution to air pollution by developing and marketing environmentally friendly E-mobility. Going forward, we will continue to develop products that enable both comfortable and environmentally friendly transportation by expanding EV sales through infrastructure development and full-scale introduction of E-2 wheeler and 4 wheel vehicles by utilizing IT and other technologies.

SDG Goals for Our Business
Poverty Issue
While there are plenty of goods in developed countries, there are many regions and people in the world where there is still room for improvement. Poverty is also a major cause of various problems such as health damage, educational inequality, and crime rates.
We will work to create a world where all people have equal opportunities by discovering and implementing fundamental solutions to poverty eradication through our business.
People who lives below $1.9
per day in the world
736 million
Indian poverty population
against total poverty population
in the world
170 million
Terra Motors' Effort to Improve
The EV 3 wheels sold in India are mainly used for taxis, and these drivers originally made a living by human power rickshaws, so they can expect income increase by switching to electric rickshaws. Terra Motors will try to raise their incomes by offering better and cheaper products. In the future, we will use microfinance to encourage more people to take steps to increase their income.
The government of India is implementing a scheme called “Mudra Yojana (Mudra = wealth, money, Yojana = structure)” to fundamentally reform the problem of poverty in the BOP(Bottom of Pyramid). This is an unsecured loan to help low-income people escape from poverty, and it is recommended that EV-3 wheeler should be included in the Mudra Scheme. Terra Motors has partnered with the banks that provide these schemes to tackle poverty.

Gender Inequality
Inequality in power dynamics between men and women is a pervasive issue across the globe. Regardless of whether a country is developed or developing. Women comprise roughly half of the world’s population. It is imperative that they have the same opportunities for advancement as their male counterparts. This is especially important if we are to address and end issues such as chronic poverty and hunger. By empowering women, we can unlock their full potential to contribute to society. We can foster a more fair world for all.
India’s female labour force participation rate is well below the world average.
Indian women’s unpaid housework hours
are 8 times more than men
Terra Motors' Effort to Improve
Terra Motors is engaged in the EV3 wheeler sales and loan business in Bihar and other rural states in India where job opportunities are scarce.
We are contributing to gender equality by offering women in India the possibility of becoming business owners even in cities with few employment opportunities.
While India is expected to achieve high economic growth, women’s participation in society is very lagging behind the global standard. By empowering women in terms of employment, we will contribute to India’s sustainable and healthy growth.